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Quantitative-Aptitude-Fast-Quick-Shortcut-steps-Tricks-in pdf-Download | [TUTORIAL 4]

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Quantitative-Aptitude-Fast-Quick-Shortcut-steps-Tricks-in pdf-Download | [TUTORIAL 4] 

 After Long search for tips and tricks you might be tired,Dont worry here is the solution for your questions.Please be passion on learning this tricks.Dont   Read   LEARN this post in hurry mode. 

Ok Lets Start our Tricks on Chapter TIME AND WORK  

 We can divided into two parts: 

1.First Set/First part of problem consists of below information
1.     Nos of men
2.     Nos of days
3.     Nos of hours
4.     Quantum of work
 2.Second set/Second parts may anything missing from above details and anyone would be common(refer problem no.1 ) which is actually the question to find out.


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